Egypt bound

Sorry I haven’t updated the site in so long! I’ve been rather busy with my thesis, teaching, and life in general, but I hope to be able to post some interesting entries soon, as I am off to Egypt for the next 7 weeks. I will be working at the Ramesside site of Kom Firin in the Western Delta, which you can read all about here. There are also some nice photos of Kom Firin here. Then I will be doing some travelling to various places in and around Cairo, and then in Middle Egypt, visiting Amarna, and also doing some of my own research in Beni Hassan and the Middle Kingdom tomb sites of the region. I hope I’ll get the chance to update at bit while I’m there and more will follow when I return!

One Reply to “Egypt bound”

  1. Enjoy your trip Margaret! I look forward to reading more about your time in Egypt while you are there. Hopefully you’ll be able to get some spare time to post some updates for us.


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